Pre VCE Biology

Year Long

This one-year course is designed to give students a taste of the topics covered in VCE Biology Units 1 through 4. It will provide students with the flexibility to specialise in individual areas of interest. This subject is highly recommended for any students wanting to continue with VCE Biology.

The skills taught will be based around those prescribed by the current Biology Study Design. These include:

  • Experimental design

  • Conducting first-hand research

  • Using appropriate biological equipment

  • Collecting and analysing data

  • Applying newly-developed understanding of concepts to new contexts

  • Analysing issues and communicating information

The topics to be covered may include:

  •  Requirements of living things

  • Cell structure and function

  • Photosynthesis and respiration

  • Interaction between body systems

  • Classifying organisms

  • Genetics - inheritance, disease and modification

  • Natural selection

  • The theory of evolution

Students will lead their discovery of these topics through experimentation, coursework, excursions and investigations. Assessment in this subject will be in the form of ongoing learning tasks, which may be in the form of tests, experimental reports, research projects and/or scientific posters.

Andrew and Yaycia model the functions of the small intestine in studies of the digestive system

Andrew and Yaycia model the functions of the small intestine in studies of the digestive system

Fluorescence microscopy showing cell structure

Fluorescence microscopy showing cell structure