Work Experience

Work experience is where you get to spend time at a workplace and see what the people who work there do. You get to experience the daily operations of a business or organisation. It is also important for you to ask any questions you might have.  

We encourage all students to engage in work experience as it provides the opportunity for:

  • Pin down your future goals

  • Gain firsthand experience of a job

  • Improve your knowledge and skills

  • Build network of contacts

  • See how the world works

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The minimum payment rate for students in Victoria is $5.00 per day, excluding non-for-profit organisations.

It is a requirement that schools must ensure they implement a policy when planning for and conducting structured workplace learning arrangements, to ensure compliance with legislation.

Work experience can be arranged through direct communication with an employer. Once you have connected with an employer and been offered a work experience placement, please contact Kate for next steps and required paperwork. School Contact/Careers Advisor: Kate Buchanan

Paperwork must be submitted seven days prior to the placement date this allows for processing and school approval. If the paperwork is not submitted in time, it will not be approved, therefore the placement cannot take place.

The required paperwork for Work Experience:

  • Work Experience Arrangement Form (signed by the employer, the student, the parent/guardian)

  • Work Experience Travel Form if required (signed by the employer, the student, the parent/guardian)

  • Proposed work experience with Animals - summary of students experience if required

  • safe@work module certificate – General

  • safe@work module certificate – Industry specific

When the required paperwork is received, we will obtain the Principal’s signature and add the work placement details to the students compass as an approved school activity.

A student is not authorised to commence work placement without school approval. If a student commences placement without submitting signed paperwork it will negatively impact their school attendance.

To discuss work experience or SWL, obtain the required paperwork, information on safe@work modules or any questions please see Kate Buchanan for more information.

For more information please visit: Work Experience: Policy |

Please be aware this information is provided for structured workplace learning and work experience opportunities within Victoria. Interstate opportunities will have to be submitted for consideration and approved by the school. We cannot accommodate for any overseas placements.

Safe@work Modules

Students will need to complete the safe@work modules prior to commencing work experience.

There are two modules to complete. The first is the General module and the second is an Industry specific. There is a multiple-choice questionnaire for both modules. This will take approx. 30 mins.

How to complete the safe@work Modules?
Read through the information (click on each link) and complete the self-assessment quiz once you have read all the information. Do not complete the activities at the end of each section. Only read the information and complete the assessment. Links below.

General Module:


Industry specific Module:

Choose one most relevant industry to your chosen work experience placement.

Assessment: Click the down arrow to access industry specific modules

Once completed it will generate a certificate of completion, please send them to Kate Buchanan to keep a copy on file.

Contact Kate Buchanan if you require assistance with the safe@work modules.