
semester 1 & 2

We live in an amazingly high-tech world, surrounded by electronic gizmos and gadgets. Because our lives are so infused with electronics, everyone -- engineers, athletes, entrepreneurs, musicians, and artists alike -- can greatly benefit from learning more about them. Understanding how to solder, program, and build circuits instils a unique understanding of the world we live in; not to mention, hacking and making electronics is just plain fun!

In this course we will dive into what we can do to improve our lives with electronics. Students will learn how to make new electronics and smart devices from scratch and can hack and improve existing things. Students will have the opportunity to design and produce their own electronic systems. These systems can range from colour changing lighting to interactive clothing and home automation.

This course is a great standalone for those students interested in electronics, but it can also be combined with other technology courses. Consider being able to produce a piece of furniture in Materials - Design & Technology and enhancing it with lighting and wireless charging or designing a new smart jacket in Textiles that allows the wearer to change its colour, or to design a new video game in Game Design with its own handheld console.

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Skills Grid

ELECTRONICS Skills Grid.png