Essential English
Subject Overview
Content and ideas:
Within this subject you will create a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive texts in response to content explored in class. We also use a workshop format in class for both reading and writing with the aim to improve our engagement and enjoyment of these core English skills. There is an exploration into the Stolen Generation, development of writing skills in response to texts and a continued focus on reading skill growth with students driving the choice of what they want to read.
Typical class activities:
Typical class activities for this subject include a variety of writing exercises, reading texts and responding to the content presented, and working in collaborative groups to extend understanding.
Skills focus:
At the end of this subject you will be able to write analytically, creatively and persuasively, respond to the ideas seen in texts as well as demonstrate the conventions of punctuation, spelling and grammar. You will also be able to demonstrate the conventions of discussion and debate while boosting collaborative skills with classmates and reading a variety of texts to challenge and extend your knowledge.
Assessment Tasks:
For your assessment tasks in this subject, you will respond to a variety of texts through analytical and persuasive writing, have regular progress check-ins and take up roles and actions in group tasks.
Do this subject if…
You have just completed your first year of English at high school and are ready for the second!
Entry English
Preparatory English