Pre VCE General Mathematics
Year long
This course is aimed at students preparing to undertake the VCE sequence containing Units 1 and 2 of General Mathematics followed by Unit 3 and 4 Further Mathematics.
Areas of study for Pre-VCE General Mathematics are, Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability.
Students in this subject will develop and consolidate skills in collecting and classifying data, surveying and sampling, frequency tables and tallies, fractions and percentages, stem and leaf plots, dot plots and column graphs, histograms, divided bar graphs, summarising data numerically measures of spread, box plots, bivariate data and scatterplots, time series data, adding and subtracting negative integers, multiplication and division of integers, powers, multiplication of decimals, substituting and evaluating, gradient intercept form, simple interest, compound interest, comparing interest using technology, matrices, and networks.
This unit is ideal for those students who are not interested in undertaking VCE Mathematical Methods but would like to undertake a VCE maths subject as part of their course.
Required skills for Entry:
Completion of FLE Maths as well as a teacher recommendation.
Knowledge of the following skills is assumed:
Basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
Order of operations
Addition and subtraction of decimals
Finding percentages of quantities
Finding unknown values in equations
Students in this unit will be expected to sit regular assessments including Mini Test for subtopics and End of topic tests. The instruction in this unit is delivered with a mindset of high expectation from all students to help them achieve their best and prepare them for their VCE Units.
For this course, students may wish to purchase and use the Texas Instruments TI-Nspire CAS calculator to get them comfortable with it and prepared for its use in VCE.